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Hibiscus Loose Tea

Lowers High Blood Pressure, Help to control Cholesterol And Reduce Heart Disease


Rose-hip Tea

Natural form of Vitamin  C


Chamomile Tea

Used for:
Constipation,  menstrual,  insomnia,  gastrointestinal disorders,  hemorrhoids. 

Also good for skin conditions - eczema,  VOMITING,  sore throat, indigestion, sinusitis,  wounds, sore gums & nipples, diaper rash


Peppermint Tea

Used for:
Digestive / stomach problems,  stops diarrhea,  gas, heartburn, headache,  relax muscles, cramps, freshen bad breath, reduces fever, prevents nausea & vomiting,  treats respiratory  disorders, eliminate symptoms of  cold &flu, antibacterial properties, gas & bloating,  boost immune system


Ancient herbal recipe for longevity, stamina and balance.​​  Good for digestion.


Buy Matcha Green Tea –
  • Packed with antioxidants

  • Boosts metabolism and burns calories

  • Detoxifies naturally

  • Calms the mind and relaxes the body

  • Rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins

  • Enhances mood and aids in concentration

  • Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium

  • Prevents disease

  • Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar J

  • Japanese USDA certified organic



Oregon's Wild Harvest - Carries herbs, supplements and Tonics

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